Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day!!

It was a dreary 3 day weekend, but we didnt let it stop us from having a little fun. A small town near us..Senoia..put on a Memorial Day celebration. They had vendors and crafts and lots of fun things to do for the kids. They had bands and even a parade. Hayley enjoyed strolling around and watching all the people! She even danced to the music a bit!! She ate homeade Strawberry Ice Cream and loved it!!

Hayley is has quite the personality. She never ceases to amaze me! She has learned to say the word NO and uses it often! She communitcates quite well for her age and has a large vocabulary! It is a joy to see the world through her eyes!! It is great to remember the innocence we all had as children!! Some days I wish I could go back!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Its been too long...

since my last post and a lot has happened. We had a fantastic visit with my Aunt Wanda and Uncle Lee. It is always so much fun when we all get together. I just wish that time would pass more slowly when they are here. I miss them so much and wish that we lived closer together. Hayley really had a ball with them. Aunt Wanda showered her with kisses...when she would let her!!

Aunt Wanda..I know you are reading this and I can tell you that the squirt gun and broom has been a big hit around here!! My kitchen floor has never been so clean!!

It has been so hot here lately that I decided to get the kiddy pool out for Hayley. She loves the water and I knew she would have a ball in it. She had a great time splashing around...until she threw my camera in the pool! Luckily it was in the case which absorbed the water before it go to the camera!! That was a close one!! I know that this is only the begining of the many mishaps that will happen with little ones around!

When I was a kid...after you swam in the pool you always got a popsicle for a snack! Well..Hayley has had them before, but never held one on her own!! She really didnt know what to think at first..but she finally go the hang of it and ate the whole thing!!

Alot is happening this month and I am sure I will have lots to write about. My neice's birthday is May 21st and it is going to be at Jumping Jellybeans! Hayley has never been in a jumpy it should be interesting. My father in law is scheduled to have surgery on his pancreas on the 27th and Mark and I celebrate our 6th anniversary on the 31st!! It is hard to believe that we have been blissfully married for six years!! We are so blessed to have our families and our beautiful little girl to show for it. Till the next time....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coloring with Daddy!

Aunt Heather gave Hayley crayons in her Easter basket and I bought her a Dora the Explorer coloring book. Here is a picture of Hayley coloring with Daddy! She is getting the hang of it now.

Like any just cant take her shopping without her wanting something. She pitched such a fit for this Dora night-gown...I caved! Call me weak!! Anyway, I bought it thinking it would be too is a 2T, but it fits!! She walks around staring at her tummy and singing the Dora theme song! I caught her in the act with this one this morning!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Growing Up!!

We cannot believe that Hayley is 15 months old already! Where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital without a clue as to what to do with her!! I must say that I think Mark and I have done a pretty good job so far. Hayley went for her 15 month well visit today. I am always excited to see where she is on the growth chart, as well as her weight. Today she measured almost 31 inches long and weighed 24.6 lbs! She is in the 50% for weight and 75% for height!! Yeah....maybe she will get those long legs I always dreamed of having! Ha ha! Developmentally she is right on track! She says Ma-ma, bowl, dog, quack quack, woof-woof, and much more. I did confess to the Dr. that I havent weened her of the bottle yet. He said it was okay, but to really shoot for 18 months! So...guess I am going to have to be a little more diligent about it. Her bottle time is about the only time I can get her to be still and cuddle! I sure hate to give that time up! maybe I am the one hanging on to the bottle and Hayley will make a smooth transition if I give her the chance. Aside from all the good news about her visit, it is heart wrenching to watch you child in pain! She had 3 shots today! I was so nervous about the MMR, but Dr. Carter put me at ease. He was very sympathetic with my hesitation and offered great explanations. I didnt feel like a battle nor did I feel like I was being forced into it like I did with our old Dr. So I decided to give Hayley the MMR, the Chicken Pox Vaccine and the DTaP. She is good to go until 2yrs of age! She was a trooper. She cried... and almost made me cry...but we got through it and she settled down before we even got to the parking lot!

We have an exciting weekend coming up! My Aunt Wanda and Uncle Lee are coming to town. I love seeing them...and we always have such a good time. This will be the first time they have met Hayley and I just know they are going to love her and she them! They are like my second set of parents and I dont know what I would do with out them! I love them so much!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

BUSTED!! that our little munchkin can get around on her feet...she tends to wander! Lately her favorite spot is the laundry room! See...I keep some of my cleaning supplies in there...aka..broom, dust pan and dusters!! She has come to love to help me clean and her favorite thing to do is dust!! We say "duster, duster" to her and she just laughs. I also keep diapers and wipes in there as well. As you can see from the picture...she got into a little mischief the other day!!! I just had to laugh!!! She worked so hard to make a mess like that!!

Happy Easter!!!

Well, the Easter Bunny came to the Sayer house this year and so did 14 of our family members! We had such a good time. In the morning Hayley got up and found her basket which contained a baby doll with a magnetic pacifier (she thinks its great her doll has one too), Dora croc shoes, socks, some other little toys, and a Corn Popper. She loves the sound but doesnt quite understand that you have to walk and push it at the same time. She just picks it up and carries it around wondering why it doesnt make the noise!! She is too funny. We then played with all of her toys and then the family began to arrive.

It is so nice that all of our families can get together and have such a good time with each other. Our guests included, Heather, Chris, Chris' parents Wayne and Teresa and his brother Josh, Mr. and Mrs. Sayer, Myra and Avery (Marks aunt and uncle), Lisa, Kenneth, Mark and Maggie and my parents. We ate and then had our annual Easter egg hunt for the kids. It was quite a sight! Hayley had a good time playing in the grass and eating the Puffs that we hid in her eggs!! This kid loves to get dirty and it makes me cringe!!! What am I going to do with her??? Ha ha.

Everyone brought food and it was all delicious, but I must point out the Bunny cake that Heather made!! Who would have thought she would be such a good baker?? Ha ha!! Heather really has a knack for making cakes!! Not only do they look good, but the taste fantastic!! I have included a pic!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

BIG STEPPER!!! I dont have a picture to share of this....not yet at least. We ran for the video camera instead..and I am not sure how to load that up yet! One my spare time (ha ha) I will figure it out. Anyway, Hayley walked!! She has been taking little steps here and there but never walked with any momentum. Well tonight we were in her play room listening to music (she loves to dance...and believe it or not has rythum..must get that from my side) and she just all of a sudden took off! She took about eight steps at full speed and then lost her balance. We are so very proud of her!! She was excited too! She had that look in her face and of course started clapping for herself.

On another note, my father in law is having some tests done tomorrow. They found a spot in his pancreas that shouldnt be there. We are hopeful that it is nothing, as all other tests seem ok. Anyway, we are praying for him and a good prognosis. Please keep Mr. Sayer and our family in your prayers.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Well, I apologize that I havent had the time to update this blog. Despite the "BLIZZARD" we got a few weeks ago, the weather has been fabulous and we have been spending a lot of our time outside, at the playground or going for rides in the wagon. Hayley is having fun discovering "gaaass" as she likes to call grass, and picking up leaves. However, we are having a bit of a difficult time as she likes to put everything in her mouth. We had to fish a piece of bark out of her mouth the other day..and who would have thought rocks could taste so good!! All of you who know me, I hate dirt..and am not a fan of the outdoors...but my child loves it, so what is a mother to do!! I get dirty with her!! I love to hear her laugh when we go "high in the sky" on the swings or see her get so excited when she sees dogs and she goes woof woof!! ( would think a Georgia Fan was raising her as much as she barks hee hee...). Seriously, she knows what the Bulldog logo looks like and she starts barking everytime she enters the "DAWG ROOM."

We really havent been up to much lately. She isnt walking, but she is starting to show interest. She has taken a few steps, but once she figures out what is going on...or she isnt getting to point B fast enough, she drops to her knees and crawls! She is very much like me in the fact that she wants everything done yesterday!! Poor girl...she is going to have to go through life with very little patience. Hope she finds someone as wonderful as Mark to marry!! Ha ha!!

She is growing so fast and it is hard to believe that she is going to be 14 months in two days!!! Here are a couple of pics of her from the snow storm...(good thing she is a Southern girl as she hated the snow) and a couple of her just goofing off!! Is she a little "Denny" or what?????

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fun Day...

Today my friend Malin came and took Hayley's 1 year photo. We are a little behind skd, but she is 8 months pregnant and moving slower than usual. Hayley was quite the ham today! She put on a good show I think and I am excited to see the proofs. She was photographed wearing an outfit that her Aunt Brooke sent her, as well as a couple of others. We also took her outside and put her in her wagon that Gramps and Grams gave her. She was so facinated with the dormant grass. We were all covered in it by the time we were done, but Hayley had so much fun. For those of you who know me well, it wasnt five min. after Malin left that I had the vaccuum out cleaning it all up!!! So..I am Vicki Jr when it comes to that..what can I say! All I know is that my house will never be as clean as my mothers'. It isnt physically possible. Besides, I swear she has magic on her side. I see little animals helping her out like in Cinderella, or she is Mary Poppins and we didnt know.

Well it is off to work for me tonight and Mark gets to be Mr. Mom!! He wears that hat very well I must say!! Infact, I probably dont tell him enough what a wonderful job he does.

Here is a cute pic from a little while ago!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Our little pistol.....

Hayley has reached the ripe age of thinking that the word "NO" is funny or simply doesnt apply to her! She either laughs in my face....or she completely ignores me and does whatever it is I am telling her to stop doing anyway. I am thankful though that she cant say it back to me yet! But when she can...I am sure that I will hear it a lot.

Hayley took her first and only step on Feb. 20. Most kids walk towards one of their parents....NOT HAYLEY!! She went for the Cheerios box!! I wish I would have had my camera ready! She swung one leg forward and then the other and then stopped. I think it may have freaked her out! She hasnt really done it since, but she is standing up on her own a lot!

The other night...we were attempting to load the dishwasher after dinner (Hayley has to help with everything) and this is the result! I know I should have stopped her but she was just so determined. She was soaking wet from the water in the door that we had to change her PJ's!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

So much to write.....

As you know, I usually save this blog for Hayley news, but I have to share something about me. Recently, I was lucky to have found my old roommate from Georgia Southern on Facebook. While we only knew each other for a short time, we became really close. I was always going home with her on the weekends b/c it was closer so I got to know her family and friends. Well she came to visit last weekend. She spent Fri night with me and we had such a good time. We didnt do anything but sit around and talk. It was like 12 years hadnt passed us by. Things just clicked and we had a great time. I was sad when she left! I didnt realize how much I missed having her in my life! We vowed to see each other more often.

Hayley is almost 13 months old now! She has been a busy little girl! Her latest developments have been climbing the entire flight of stairs, giving high fives, and sucking through a straw. She is such a sweet, loving and happy little girl (except at night). She loves to give hugs and say ah..ah!! Here are some cute pics of her!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Technical Difficulties....

So..I have no idea where the pictures I posted went but I will try again!!

The latest...I took Hayley back to the GI Dr. yesterday! She is having trouble with milk and soy and unfortunately has pooping issues! So.. the Dr. advised me to keep her on Soy and add Benefiber to her drink every day! I have given her two doses of the fiber so far and she went!! Yeah!!!! But boy was it messy!!! Lucky daddy was at work so I had all the fun!! Ha ha! Other than that the Dr. said she is growing beautifully. She is 22 lbs and 30.5 inches! She is in the 90th percentile for weight and 75th for height!!! Guess she gets the weight from my side! Poor thing!!

I am so very excited about this weekend! We have many fun things planned. I just found out that my college roommate is coming to town! Not only is she coming to Atlanta from Columbia S.C. but she is staying Fri. night with me! I havent seen her in 14 years, but have been chatting with her on facebook! We have a lot to catch up on!

Also, Hayley's friend Ansley is turning one and her party is Sun. Ansley is my BFF's third and was born three weeks after Hayley!!! I am excited to share this special day with her. Also, Steph's brother James (I grad. with him from HS) is coming into town. We are all praying for a safe return from Iraq. He is in the Air Force, flies fighter jets and is on his way home now!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

NEW PHOTOS!! I am...back into blogging! So many things have gone on since Thanksgiving that I have no idea where to start! Since most of you just check this blog for new pics of Hayley, I suppose I will post a few new ones! She is growing at warp speed and has learned so many new things! She can say Daddy, Go Go Go, Doh-ah (for Dora) and haaah (for Hot..which she refers to my cup of coffee). She is a child with a lot of personality. My mom likes to call her little Tammy because she is a lot like me! She is very opinionated and very impatient! Poor thing!! She is not walking yet..but is learning to stand without holding on to anything and is cruising round the couch, and her activity table! She has found the a gate has gone up. She has four teeth, Two top, two bottom and is working on another top one as I type this! We are still having sleeping issues at night! Last night I had to let her cry it out and I thought she was going to throw up she was gagging so much! only lasted 2 and a half min and then she sniffled herself into a slumber! It broke my heart...but she has got to learn that Mommy and daddy arent going to rock her back to sleep everytime she wakes up! Now..if my mom reads this..she is going to be so mad at us..but it has to be done!

She had a blast at her 1st Birthday Party! We only invited family and a few very close friends to the event! It was a great turn out! Aunt Heather did a fantastic job at making her cakes! Hayley loved the icing!!! Again..taking after her mother! She loved all of her presents, especially the Radio Flyer wagon. She has to get in it everyday...

We took her out to eat at her fav. restaurant on her actual b-day! She loves this local Mexican rest. down the street! We have taken her there since she was about 3mths old. She loves the people and all the colorful decor! Should we be worried that her favorite is a budlight sign?? ha ha!

Mark got a new job at the credit union. It is a promotion so we are thrilled. I am also reducing my hours at the store to spend more weekend time with Mark and Hayley. Right now we only get one day together and we usually spend it doing house stuff.

Not much else going on here. We finally have a sunny day today so I hope to get Hayley out for a little while!! We are both getting cabin fever!! For some reason I cant get the pics to load, so here is a video I took of her watching her favorite show..Dora the Explorer! Little did I know that I was going to get more than just her excitement for the show...apparently nature took its course and we got a little more than dancing!! Too funny!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Hayley!!!

Well...I havent kept my promise! I havent bloged since before Thanksgiving. Guess the holidays were busier than I anticipated, then after all of was time to plan Hayley's first birthday party! A great time was had by all i think! We only invited family, and some close friends! We tried to keep it small, as to not overwhelm Hayley. She did great, despite not getting her afternoon nap. She had a blast and so did we. Mark and I both agreed that it was probably one of the best days of our lives! When we brought her home, neither of us had a clue as to what to do, but we made it! While each day and stage brings new challenges, we are so blessed to be parents to such a fun loving, amazing little girl! She is the light of our lives. I have attached two pics. I will load more when I have more time!!!


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Loving Gramps!!!

Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl

About Me

I live in GA with my husband of almost nine years and our two slittle girl. I am a stay at home mom and have found this job to be the hardest thing that I have ever done! I think that I struggle everyday, hoping that I am doing everything right and that they will grow up with ethics, morals and respect for herself and other people. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love to read and often rely on it to escape and keep my sanity.