Monday, April 27, 2009

Growing Up!!

We cannot believe that Hayley is 15 months old already! Where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital without a clue as to what to do with her!! I must say that I think Mark and I have done a pretty good job so far. Hayley went for her 15 month well visit today. I am always excited to see where she is on the growth chart, as well as her weight. Today she measured almost 31 inches long and weighed 24.6 lbs! She is in the 50% for weight and 75% for height!! Yeah....maybe she will get those long legs I always dreamed of having! Ha ha! Developmentally she is right on track! She says Ma-ma, bowl, dog, quack quack, woof-woof, and much more. I did confess to the Dr. that I havent weened her of the bottle yet. He said it was okay, but to really shoot for 18 months! So...guess I am going to have to be a little more diligent about it. Her bottle time is about the only time I can get her to be still and cuddle! I sure hate to give that time up! maybe I am the one hanging on to the bottle and Hayley will make a smooth transition if I give her the chance. Aside from all the good news about her visit, it is heart wrenching to watch you child in pain! She had 3 shots today! I was so nervous about the MMR, but Dr. Carter put me at ease. He was very sympathetic with my hesitation and offered great explanations. I didnt feel like a battle nor did I feel like I was being forced into it like I did with our old Dr. So I decided to give Hayley the MMR, the Chicken Pox Vaccine and the DTaP. She is good to go until 2yrs of age! She was a trooper. She cried... and almost made me cry...but we got through it and she settled down before we even got to the parking lot!

We have an exciting weekend coming up! My Aunt Wanda and Uncle Lee are coming to town. I love seeing them...and we always have such a good time. This will be the first time they have met Hayley and I just know they are going to love her and she them! They are like my second set of parents and I dont know what I would do with out them! I love them so much!!!!

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About Me

I live in GA with my husband of almost nine years and our two slittle girl. I am a stay at home mom and have found this job to be the hardest thing that I have ever done! I think that I struggle everyday, hoping that I am doing everything right and that they will grow up with ethics, morals and respect for herself and other people. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love to read and often rely on it to escape and keep my sanity.